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Open Rhinoplasty

An attractive face has a lot to do with the balance and proportion of the face. If one of the facial features is “dull,” the person’s overall appearance may be affected. This is especially true of the nose, as it is located in the center of the face. If the size of the nose is large, wide, or very narrow, or has another defect, it becomes attractive to unwanted attention at all.

Open rhinoplasty corrects cosmetic defects affecting the nose, changing its size and shape, or smoothing imperfections such as bumps and irregular nostrils.

What is open rhinoplasty?

Open rhinoplasty involves reshaping the nose through an incision in the nasal stent, the anatomical area that separates the two nostrils, resulting in a complete anatomy of the vertical tip of the nose.

The open rhinoplasty technique has many positive advantages:

  • Allows a direct view of all anatomical details in full.

  • It provides an opportunity to perform regulatory surgical maneuvers more easily than the closed surgical technique.

Ameliyat sonrası dönemde burun greftleri sayesinde burun yapılarında bir miktar sertlik olması, bu tip teknikle gerekli olan uca destek verilmesi mümkündür.

In the postoperative period, thanks to the nasal grafting, it is possible to create some cohesion in the nasal structures and to support the tip of the nose with this technique.

If the small incision does not heal perfectly and completely, additional cosmetic surgery under local anaesthesia may be required.

What are the types of nose grafts in open rhinoplasty?

A nasal graft is a piece of cartilage taken from the nasal septum or chest area; It is shaped and placed at the tip of the nose by an open surgical technique.

It has two main functions:

  • volume filling and creation

  • structural support

How long does surgical intervention take and what are its benefits?

Open rhinoplasty under general anesthesia takes about 90-120 minutes.

When the open surgery technique is needed:

  • After the axial deviation of the nasal pyramid due to a blow.

  • In the position of functional correction of the external nasal valve.

  • Genetic (congenital) abnormalities

  • Complex secondary rhinoplasty cases.

It should be noted that the final result is not determined by the technique used in the surgery, but is determined by the experience of the plastic surgeon who performed the operation.

The differences between closed and open rhinoplasty

The main difference between open and closed rhinoplasty is the incisions made during the surgical procedure. These incisions play an important role in determining the changes that can be made during surgery and the ability of the surgeon to replace the cartilage in the tip of the nose is also important.

Open rhinoplasty involves incisions along the inner nostrils. In addition, a horizontal incision is made along the base of the nasal divider, which is the vertical length of skin separating the two nostrils. Many patients are reluctant to undergo rhinoplasty because they fear that a visible scar will appear on the surface of the nose.

Fortunately, the surgical scar after a period of time will be very small and barely noticeable with the naked eye. In addition, this procedure will provide control and high sensitivity. It is also possible with the open rhinoplasty technique to make some adjustments that cannot be made during closed rhinoplasty.

As we explained, rhinoplasty consists of reshaping the nasal bone and cartilage structures through small interventions inside the nostrils in a closed rhinoplasty.

In open rhinoplasty, an incision is made at the base of the nasal stent separating the two nostrils and the two ends of the nose are completely separated.

The goal of this operation is to achieve rhinoplasty without causing a major defect in the functional aspect of it, and with the exception of some cases, the operation is performed during the day so that the patient can return home a few hours after the end of the operation.

Healing stages after open rhinoplasty

After the surgery, you will go through some stages of recovery, some of which will be easier than others.

The first stage: the first few hours

You may feel pain after open rhinoplasty, so don’t forget to take painkillers. You should follow your surgeon’s instructions for proper recovery and sleeping positions. It is generally recommended to sleep on more than one pillow on top of each other upright. Sleeping this way will make it easier for you to breathe through your mouth and reduce potential swelling and bruising.

After spending the first day in bed, you will be able to move around the second day, being careful not to bend over or make a strong exhale through your nose. This may be the day your surgeon removes the nasal plugs and this will make you feel better for sure.

Stage 2: End of the first week

The discomfort will continue for the first week, but in the end there will be good news that will make you feel definitely better. The cast will be removed and most of the swelling and bruising will be gone. Which is enough to go back to work or school next week. You will need to continue to avoid the sun by wearing a hat and sunglasses; Knowing that you are still unable to continue your usual activities or exercise in the gym.

The third stage: the next few weeks

Over time, the swelling will decrease so that you can start to see the final shape of your new nose. The nose takes a little longer to heal, so it may take a few more weeks before you see any drastic changes. In about a month or less, your surgeon will allow you to return to exercise and daily physical activity. However, contact sports will be prohibited in the absence of special permission from the surgeon and when you are without protective face masks.

Stage 4: Coming months

With open rhinoplasty, you will begin to see significant progress in your ongoing recovery. The swelling will continue to decrease and the nasal tissues will adjust to their new dimensions. It is expected that you may still feel a slight numbness, but this feeling will begin to disappear with time.

Results and risks of open rhinoplasty

When rhinoplasty is performed by a qualified surgeon, complications are rare and completely insignificant. However, there is always the possibility of complications such as infections, nosebleeds or the body’s reactions to anesthesia. The risks can be reduced by following the instructions of the plastic surgeon well before and after the surgery.

After rhinoplasty, the skin goes through the process of getting used to the changes that were made in it internally, and the process of getting used to it may take about 12 months. However, at the end of the first month, 80% of the inflammation will be gone. From the seventh day, it is possible to enter into a new and natural social life in a new, more beautiful form than the previous one.

You must be patient for satisfactory results after rhinoplasty. Sometimes slight changes occur in the nose during the first few months, you can see the results improve gradually until you reach the final result 12 months after the plastic surgery.

Can glasses be used after rhinoplasty?

Eyeglasses or sunglasses can be used about 30 days after rhinoplasty to prevent postoperative collapse of the dorsal area of the nose. Therefore, it is best to use contact lenses or a light frame during the first month after surgery.

Postoperative nose massage and cleaning

Massaging with almond or olive oil is very beneficial in reducing edema and postoperative tumors. We recommend asking the surgeon how to perform the massage in a healthy and appropriate manner.

In order to clean the nose, there are ready-made products based on sea water or salt water that you can buy at the pharmacy. It is recommended that you lie on your back and excrete the fluid from the nostrils into the oral cavity and then out.

You can also use cotton swabs dipped in a solution of water and hydrogen peroxide to clean the inside of the nose and remove crusts accumulated during the healing process. It is recommended to apply antibiotic ointment (inflammation) to the areas where the sutures were placed.

Tips for a perfect recovery after open rhinoplasty

There are some steps you can take to reduce swelling and edema after open rhinoplasty:

  • Hyperactivity tends to increase swelling, so rest and relax for a few weeks after surgery

  • Keep your head above the level of your heart as much as possible in everyday life and even while sleeping.

  • Try gently massaging the excess tissue in the swollen area.

  • Keep using snow and taking pictures every day. This way, you will notice small changes on a daily basis.

  • Discuss your concerns and questions with the surgeon and remember that you chose him for a reason.

Swelling and healing is the hardest part of the surgery. Even if you do everything correctly and adhere to the tips for a week after the operation, it is still difficult to predict the results. So take a deep breath and relax.